Imagination and Life

3102209591_c7a47c563a_mWho is your imagination and what makes it tick?

Every artists owes it to her or himself to contemplate her or his imagination, what energizes it, what it craves, what stifles it.

And let us not confuse our imagination with who we are. True that the two oftentimes appear as one in the same, particularly when we are deep into the heart of planning or writing story. They are separate beings rooted in the same experience.

None more than the writer benefits from understanding the link between our identity as a person in the world and the literary artist that lives within us.

Words are the building blocks of stories. They are also form the rudiment of how we communicate, an essential for matriculating through life.

For this reason, writers need to know their boundaries, or rather hold an awareness of how the two arenas wherein we use words and that attendance to both is essential for maintenance of two so that each can thrive.

Our imagination does not drive a car, shop for groceries, make appointments for yearly physicals. And yet without these things attended to it withers, or rather has no place to blossom and bloom.

Artists who live completely in the temples of their imagination go mad from isolation and starvation in on a physical and psychological level.

Without the substrata of food that energizes our physical bodies and intimate human interaction with friends and family, imagination has no counterpart from which to hone its chords and make music.

Imagination is to responsibility what dreams are to waking life–complimentary and compensatory.

The more responsible one is to their physical and psychological needs and those they love, the greater the things they can imagine.

Also, the more likely the individual is to transfer the hopes dreams and wishes that catalyze their imaginations into works of art that innervate observers, listeners and readers of their work.

Responsible people, not talent, make great artists.

How often do you exercise?

When was the last time you had a physical?

Could you use a day at the local spa?

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