Loves and Hates

Reflection by Villi.Ingi--2112826396_9213f81dbe_sWhat a character hates or despises says much about what she or he loves, adores, and that for which she or he yearns.

The adage, “You can’t hate what you don’t love,” is as true for our characters as it is for us.

A protagonist who hates their mother or father, most likely yearns for acceptance and love from that parent they so loathe, and whom they fear does not approve of them.

A spouse who loathes going to the annual ski lodge outing with her or his business partners probably wishes to improve her or his ability to ski, if not learn how to ski.

They want to fit in and in their lack of knowing how to ski, fear that they do not hold equal importance as those who do ski.

What we take the energy to hate matters in some way to us. The things that hold importance in our lives do so usually because of two reasons.

They either they make us feel better about ourselves. Or they force us to confront some aspect of ourselves yet developed.

At their essence stories center on a character or group of people seeking to overcome incredible odds and in their quest to achieve their goals display the not so good, but also the best of their qualities.

No one wants to act meanly, condescending or in an obnoxious manner. We only resort to that when fear gets the best of us.

The most entertaining and moving stories show the protagonist overcoming her or his fear, and though flawed and oftentimes failing, ultimately acting with grace.

What have been some of your characters’ greatest fears?

What has one of your characters craved most?

For what do you yearn, and hope to attain, in writing and refining your stories?

2 thoughts on “Loves and Hates”

  1. Fears are a powerful driving force. I’m finding the on investigating my character’s fears I simultaneously elucidate and clarify their desires, their goals.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

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