Of Avataric Moments, Desire, and Change

Friday 09/10/2 - Promise of a Thousand Forests by by Aelin Quan (new blog entry!) 3962452999_be1cec95ccSymbols link yearning and desire with the change and transformation required for the central character to achieve her or his goal.

To the extent that you can attach a physical object to the goal your central character fights to attain, the more you solidify, in the mind of the reader, the experience of your protagonist working to achieve her or his goal.

Symbols also reveal and make real the internal world of the protagonist. The adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” speaks volumes about the worth of using symbols in crafting stories and/or novels.

Symbols can show from where a protagonist has traveled, the destination she or he hopes to reach, and when they have arrived. They can also reflect who a character has been, and what they have become in completing their journey.

Whatever the situation or context of the storyline, the best and most useful symbol is a physical object.

Weathered and worn like the protagonist a symbol can become the object of attention, receiving and/or reflecting the emotions of the central character when achieving her or his goal.

The symbol then mirrors the transformation under which the central character has gone. It both contains, and reflects the avataric moment of transformation.

It signals the point of crossing over, and thus mirrors the protagonist’s epiphany, her or his spark of awareness, the aha moment of the change that orders a shift in consciousness.

What was once dreamed about and hoped for, yearned and desired, has been made real.

Heaven and earth unite.

Redemption and peace descend–if only for a brief space in time.

Can you recall a dream wherein one object stood out in your recollection of the dream?

How was that object used in the dream?

What role did it play?

No write a story 500 words or less where a character uses that object, or another, to achieve her or his goal.

Please share.


Please note:

www.anjuellefloyd.com will be on hiatus during December 2009 for site maintenance and upgrade.

We will return Monday, January 4, 2010.

Until then visit me at anjuelle floyd–the writing life

2 thoughts on “Of Avataric Moments, Desire, and Change”

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