Peaks, Valleys and Plateaus…

Between all of this I want to finish the rough draft of the novel I started writing during NaNoWriMo. Though having reached the 50,000 minimum, I still have to complete the middle and write the ending.

The facilitator of the on-line writing class I am taking gave us two exercises during our meeting this week. One was to list the key scenes we have yet to write of our novel. All of the students participated in NaNoWriMo.

The second exercise was to list all the things concerning our protagonist’s dilemma that we have yet to address or include in our novel.

Though quite simple, I found these tasks quite energizing. I listed four key scenes I had yet to write. My mind went blank after writing the fourth scene. I began to search for other scenes then realized that writing these scenes would take me through the middle of my novel and on to the end.

I wrote the first of those key scenes Wednesday night.

This list of things left out of my novel proved quite interesting. I wrote down about 6-8 aspects of my protagonist’s dilemma with one or 2 relating to a supporting character.

Even more interesting was that the scenes I wrote last evening those leading up to the second key scene, included 1-2 of the aspects I had listed as yet included in the novel.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is write.

Then again knowing what to write helps.

Though having graduated an MFA program I continue to take writing classes.

The craft of writing holds so much for the writer to discover, learn and work to refine and master.

I suppose that’s why I like writing.

Like hiking, there are peaks and valleys, hills and crevices. And plateaus.

Writing the first draft of a novel is like climbing a steep hill. Revising and editing we reach a plateau.

Re-reading that final of many drafts in between can be like walking down hill.

Always moving. Always writing.

Where are you in the journey?

What are your peaks and valleys?

What constitutes your plateaus?

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