The Courage to Dance and Write

Osiyan marine blue in Jain TempleWriters dance with our characters.

The words we write are the music delivering rhythm by which our feet move.

The sentences and paragraphs that follow spin a melody, the context and situation wherein we in crafting our stories offer not only a depiction of transformation and change, but also the epiphany and transcendence of our protagonists.

Stories hold a mirror to the lives of the writer working, toiling, digging into our souls and hearts, and excavating the bones of our families and culture.

The skeletons of clan and culture, our history and her stories, those of the human race hold and reveal the secrets to evolution.

Writing our stories we learn what makes life meaningful, and endows it with purpose.

This is our work, our mission, the unearthing of what was not said, what was left for us to speak.

In writing, most particularly in crafting fiction, we become historians of truth, abandoned, but no less honest, and authentic.

Articulating of our hearts’ desires we speak the yearnings of the world.

We heal by doing injury to ourselves. Writing until it hurts, cutting away the masks, exposing and excising defenses.

This is our work.

The words we write form our prayers.

We are the liturgy offering ourselves as sacrifice upon the altar of life.

How much does faith play in your efforts to write?

What mysteries do you experience when writing?

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