Yearning for Change

Court Jester by by VIM'S PLACE-medium-801902413_d63ed91aacThe Trickster archetype wants change. The character who carries this role operates like a court jester.

Seen as a fool whose words were spoken in jest, the court jester of medieval times addressed taboo and controversial issues, topics about which common citizens, lacking freedom of speech would and could not dare speak.

The Trickster or court jester of a novel says and speaks what other characters, particularly the protagonist, cannot bear to hear or say, yet need and want brought to the surface of consciousness.

Like the court jester of medieval times made clear and reminded the reigning monarch she or he too like her or his subjects was human, the Trickster anchors the protagonist in the reality of the dilemma she or he faces constructed in the situation at hand.

Modern day comediennes and comedians deliver relief to audiences when addressing painful and taboo matters with which the society of the audience struggles.

Race, sexuality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, fanaticism of all kinds, and various rules that define socio-economic strata–the list of what we call “touchy” subjects is endless.

And yet when spoken of in humorous fashion, listeners remain open to hearing about themselves with regards to this aspects of life and living, how they usually react, in comparison to ways they and others might and do yearn for them to change and behave.

In the act of laughing we are able to see the tragedy of our human interactions, what the behaviors we exhibit lack and where we need to grow in our behaviors.

Whereas the Shapeshifter is perpetually changing and alternating, the Trickster catalyzes change by remaining constant.

By persistently saying what others cannot and will not the Trickster upsets the status quo and in so doing reminds the protagonist or her or his job, the purpose of their journey, the goal the must achieve for her or his survival and that of others.

Artists are considered shamans of the society in which we work and create, forever showing through music, paintings, sculptures and words the tragedies of who and what humanity is against the canvas of what we can become.

In our persistence to hone our craft and learn to shape and organize our words writers work to move the hearts of women and men and energize their consciousnesses towards change and transformation.

We too are Tricksters, fools and jesters of the court of humanity, forever revealing the shadow side of life and exploring those aspects of human behavior that remain in alignment with the ego ideal and then presenting alternative ways of being that support love, redemption, grace and mercy.

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