Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude…

Yesterday I hosted author, Myne Whitman, on Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters. The original date for our interview was Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 12 pm PT.

Twelve, noon on Saturdays is the usual time of the broadcast, but on Saturday we have some technical problems. Myne’s cell phone kept going out.

By the time she was able to connect I had logged off. I felt horrible.

I was also worried if she all right. Rarely do I have technical problems that prevent the entire broadcast.

Luckily, I’ve never had any author to blow off an interview. Anytime there’s an interruption something is seriously wrong beyond the guest’s control.

And that is what happened to Myne.

With Myne’s graciousness and availability I rescheduled her for yesterday, May 17, 2010 @ 1 pm.

I encourage you to listen to the interview. Myne is an excellent author who tells a thrilling, entertaining and substantive story in her novel, A Heart to Mend. She is also a wonderful person.

It was such a thrilling and beautiful experience to hear her discuss her take on life, that love is forever around us, seeking to heal our wounds, both external and internal, and how this principle inspires and guides her fiction writing.

A self-described hopeless romantic, Myne is newly married. And yet the wisdom that she shares both in her novel and during the interview bespeaks a soul of the ages who, as she also describes holds a deep interest in close observation of other human beings.

This ability to watch and witness others, seeing inside of them that which skin and body soften hide, yields the impetus for Myne’s stories.

A Heart to Mend, Myne states, rose from a short story she had written.

Encouraged by on-line visitors who read that short story, others and her poems, Myne delved into culling a novel out of the short story. No less important than the support from her on-line readers was the assistance and cheering on from her husband.

“I share my plots with my husband and tell of those places where my writing gets stuck, times like when my characters are no long speaking to me. Talking to him helps greatly. He’s my biggest cheerleader,” Myne says.

Stephen King in his memoir, On Writing, says that the most important ingredient any writer or would-be author can possess (or experience) is that of a stable (and I would add, nurturing) relationship. He then extols the myriad ways in which his wife has served as a major source of his literary success.

To all those writers, authors, and would-be authors whose families, wives, husbands, significant others and spouses provide the stability in life and living that only they can give, I offer undaunted, and gracious thanks.

What you offer so free truly humble us.

And for times when technology fails us, even if only temporarily I say thanks and feel immense gratitude to Myne Whitman for hanging in there and having patience with me.

Truly it’s what happens at the end, the manifestation of which we must remain mindful of detaching ourselves, that matters.

0 thoughts on “Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude…”

  1. Thank you so much Anjuelle, it was a wonderful interview and I enjoyed sharing time with you. This is a great write-up, I am humbled reading it, accept my heartfelt gratitude too.

  2. It was really great having you on Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters.
    You were a wonderful guest and great person to speak with. I felt like we were having coffee and a roll.
    I look forward to having you back.
    Good luck and have much fun on your summer book tour promoting”A Heart to Mend”.

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