Of Perseverance, Remaining Open, and Characters that Embody Our Change…

Perseverance in completing that first draft it the first act of embarking on the journey of evolution we undergo each time we craft a story.

Thus we focus our energies and concentration on towards typing each word so that we might complete each sentence, craft every paragraph, shape each scene.

At this time, we, the writer must not fall under the spell of judgment and self-criticism of what we write.

Our goal is to remain open to the words coming through us. We must turn off the internal editor and write.

Doing this we commit to the change that our characters undergo and the shifts in awareness and perception that also takes place within us. Not only do we hone our skills at writing, we become better individuals for sticking with our dreams reflected through the desires and yearnings of our protagonists.

Though we may take a pause in the writing, those of us who succeed, never relinquish the story. We do not allow it to escape our thoughts.

Instead we nurture it to embed its roots in our hearts. We ponder how things are different from our immediate past, that time just prior to when we set out to write our novel. We realize the change to which we are striving within ourselves.

In so doing we recognize what connects us to our protagonist. As such they embody our change. Their story evidences of the transformation and shifts in consciousness manifested in us through the process of writing it.

What has been your most difficult or exciting character to craft and write?

What was their greatest strength or asset?

What formed the center of their vulnerability?

3 thoughts on “Of Perseverance, Remaining Open, and Characters that Embody Our Change…”

  1. Pingback: Of Perseverance, Remaining Open, and Characters that Embody Our Change… « anjuellefloyd

  2. in the important, we must know what we want to do or writting, sometimes there’s many idea in our head, so get focus and I agree of that

  3. Yes, staying focused is one of the greatest challenges for a writer, both in crafting and refining our stories, and in remaining committed to the tedious process and discipline of writing them;
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