Wisdom Cards - Affirmations - Louise Hay-- by JCT(Loves)Streisand*--3317079069_03edc0e81f_o.jpg

Of Breaking Rules, Fundamentals and Salvation …

Wisdom Cards - Affirmations - Louise Hay-- by JCT(Loves)Streisand*--3317079069_03edc0e81f_o.jpg
Wisdom Cards – Affirmations – Louise Hay

by JCT(Loves)Streisand*

Finding your passion asks that you become well-acquainted with the fundamentals, the rules.

In writing we say that you must know the rules to learn how to break them.

Not that I am always in favor of breaking rules, but defying conventional wisdom is much like breaking rules. The rules associated with conventional wisdom are most often unspoken beliefs to which we hold tightly, and most unconsciously.

To this end, our lack of awareness makes us subject, to not only, the erroneous belief, myth or misnomer, but also those who most assuredly created the dishonest truth with a purpose in mind.

Now that our daughters can enter field previous unplowed by feminine hands, tread waters here-to-fore uncharted by female eyes, we, their mothers must remind them that no person, place or thing, is greater, at least in our eyes and hearts than they.

We must undergird our daughters with a great sense of responsibility to themselves. They must know that it is right, fair and necessary for them to care for themselves. And that if they do not look after their mind, soul, body and heart, listen to the rumblings of each, they are not living up to the ideal we set when carrying them during pregnancy.

We must impress upon our daughters how much we their mothers need them now, how much definition they, like our mothers, if not more, bring to our living, how much our immortality, our ability to live on and experience resurrection, life after death, rebirth rests and lives in them.

They are our future, our salvation.

Without them we are, all of us, lost.


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