
Saarschleife - Waldspaziergang by Wolfgang Staudt--3632251606_c23139df26_o.jpg

Of Light, Darkness, and Narcissistic Rage …

My mother was not one for sharing when it came to her feelings. She held them close to her chest, if she held them at all. I now realize that much of her existence fought to escape her feelings. My mother could be described as a narcissistic rage addict.

She was heavily addicted to anger, could have

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Generosity by Altaher Altabet 4933479162_ab1634f736_o

Of Altruism, Old Age, and The Circle of Life …

Generosity of spirit requires trust–faith that what you give will be received and appreciated and /or conveys assistance or good, and belief that in giving you will not go lacking.

Certainly we must give within our means, not more than we can afford. Altruism does not ask that we put ourselves at risk. To do that places us in a position to lack the ability to give in the future. And no one wants that.

And yet we cannot always wait until comfort

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Of A Jeep Wranger, Corporal Punishment and Compassion …

The weekend following the accident my daughter would tell me of how on his arrival, the woman’s husband offered to and helped my daughter move the boxes of books, copies of my novels, from the back of my SUV, its back window blown out by the impact of the crash, into the trunk of my daughter’s car.

The woman, by then had

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Of Mothers, Daughters and a Nation Crying for Help…

During the past year I have noticed an increasing number of Internet stories/articles reporting the murders and /or more often murder-suicides wherein a parent has killed the spouse and their children.

Men and fathers are usually the assailants for cases involving a murdered spouse.

Children are usually the victims when mothers commit homicide on members of their immediate families.

The act of any parent or adult killing a child is horrendous.

And yet, as the mother of three daughters, I am most taken when a mother kills her daughter (s).

As a psychotherapist I a to ask, “What

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Of Apologies, Sincerity and Saying What We Actually Mean…

What did you mean to say?

Apologies over what we said usually indicate that what we said, the words we used did not gain favor with those to whom we were speaking.

Rarely does it mean, at least in America, that we are truly sorry.

But what do we mean when we say, “That’s not what I mean to say?” if we are truly sincere?

What words would we choose if we gained the opportunity to turn the clock back and speak again,

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…the writing life… | “Bollywood, The Hijinks of Thrillers, and Definition…”

I am always amazed how much screen time Bollywood movies donate to establishing and clarifying family relations of the film’s protagonist compared to the nil to absent mention of family connections in American movies.

The protagonist of an American made movie can be undergoing the direst and most despairing of circumstances and the screenplay makes no mention of mother, father, sister, or brother. Often very little time or explanation is given to the ex-spouse or ex-significant other, unless she or he is central to the plot.

Where Bollywood movies perhaps overdramatize the gifts and goodness of family, American theater emphasizes the need to break away and discover who one truly is.

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