
Of Writing, Time, and The Realities of Publishing…

The reality of publishing is that it is difficult to make a profit in this business.

And why does one want to make a profit?

Because editors need to be paid, it takes money to print copies of a book, and most importantly, authors need food, shelter, and health insurance, none of which are cheap, if we are to write entertaining stories.

When publishing companies agree to print book, the writer must deliver and on time, lest the publisher demands

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Of Dreams, Making them Real and What We Are Willing to Pay…

I recently read two articles on acclaimed mystery author, Janet Evanovich, the first stating that she had requested $50 million from her then publisher St. Martin’s Press to renew her contract, the second, published some weeks later, announcing that in response to St. Martin’s had refusing the requested amount, Evanovich had subsequently returned to Bantam/Random House Publishers where she first began her career.

While the first article had ended with ponderings of whether Evanovich would receive her request from St. Martin’s, particularly in this poor economy, the second article carefully stated that no one privy to the proceedings had released details of what Evanovich would receive from Bantom/Random House.

My husband, on hearing the details of the articles, responded with, “$50 million dollars? You must have your numbers wrong. Are you sure you read the article correctly?”

Questioning the figure myself, or rather my ability to remember what I saw, I returned to the website where I had read the articles and then announced to him that I was correct. “Wow!” He shook his head, adding, “She must sell an awful lot of books,” referring to Evanovich.

And she has done that. But obviously not enough for St. Martins to grant her request.

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Of Dimensions of Experience, Mystery and Feet of Practicality…

Climax follows a time a crisis.

As the story heads for resolution the protagonist must decide how she or he will evidence not only their survival and triumph of the great battle she or he has fought, but how they will manifest those that shift in consciousness, that change of heart, in a way that will allow the experience to remain alive within them.

Then, and only then, can she, or he truly know the victory over death whose roots lie in fear, doubt and disbelief.

So many times we sabotage ourselves into thinking that we less than what we are.

Likewise we ground our identity of who we are and our purpose in life on the erroneous belief that we do not matter, and that what we have to offer means little if anything.

This is often the case for writers and artists of many kinds.

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Give-and-Take, Mysteries and Playgrounds…

Networking is an interesting and weird thing. It requires give-and-take.

In a world or culture so focused on taking, and amassing, the 21st century version of connecting with others can cause us to see some things about ourselves that are not so pretty.

The Internet is clearly a place where transparency is a plus.

You must give to get. And what you give has to be of service to those from whom seek to receive.

So how does one get into this mode of giving without worrying so much of what I’ll receive?

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