
Of Bloggers, Mothers’ Work, and ‘Ann Romney and Me’ …

A former prosecuting attorney, now full-time mom and blog host, recently shared that many mothers with promising careers, had upon giving birth transformed their job skills into home businesses that allow them establish a base for present and future income, and continue pursing our passion, while maintaining the ability to shape our work schedules around our work that we equally love, that of wife and mother to our husbands and children.

Like the former attorney now mom and blogger, I, a

Of Bloggers, Mothers’ Work, and ‘Ann Romney and Me’ … Read More »

Of Hilary Rosen, Ann Romney and The State of Women …

Reading Scott Pratt’s posts on his blog, The Writer’s Predicament, installments, if you will, of his journey on the road from writer with two thrillers published by Penguin Books to self-published author of three more, inspired me to revisit my anger and hurt with comment about Anne Romney made by CNN contributor and Democratic Political consultant, Hilary Rosen.

“What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying: ‘Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues. And when I listen to my wife, that’s what I’m hearing.’

“Guess what,

Of Hilary Rosen, Ann Romney and The State of Women … Read More »

Perfectionism, Fears and Good Husbands…

Readying your book for publication, i.e. the printing and binding of the words you have penned is an illuminating process.

First of all, if you’re like me, a perfectionist, nothing you read of the novel or story seems right.

All the sentences you spent hours upon hours crafting, shaping, editing, refining and then re-writing sound horrible. I read my stories and novels aloud during the last stages of editing.

Perhaps the words sound awkward because I don’t want to believe that I’ve reached this point. And under my own steam.

Perfectionism, Fears and Good Husbands… Read More »

War, and Standing “In the Shadow of Suribachi”

Ever wondered what war is like for those who survive the physical batter and yet lay shattered beneath the psychological impairments of their battle? And what about the family members unable to fit the pieces together and create a lifeline of continuity for their loved ones who returned confused, bereaved and mournful at the loss

War, and Standing “In the Shadow of Suribachi” Read More »