full-time wife and mother


Of Mothers, Admiration, and Forfeited Goals …

Despite the difficulties I had with my mother I admired much about her. That I admired so much about a woman who could be abusive speaks to the craziness of our relationship and my own struggles.

Yet and still my mother was a hard worker.

Whatever she set her mind to achieve, she remained committed until she had ascertained the goal.

As for not gaining the goal, I cannot remember anything that she set out to do and she later admitted not having accomplished.

This is weird to think about, because there are things in my life that I set out to gain, but for whatever reason have not attained, forfeited them.

Somewhere during the first five years of my marriage I

Of Mothers, Admiration, and Forfeited Goals … Read More »

Of Hilary Rosen, Ann Romney and The State of Women …

Reading Scott Pratt’s posts on his blog, The Writer’s Predicament, installments, if you will, of his journey on the road from writer with two thrillers published by Penguin Books to self-published author of three more, inspired me to revisit my anger and hurt with comment about Anne Romney made by CNN contributor and Democratic Political consultant, Hilary Rosen.

“What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying: ‘Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues. And when I listen to my wife, that’s what I’m hearing.’

“Guess what,

Of Hilary Rosen, Ann Romney and The State of Women … Read More »