
Of Eldest Daughters, Mothers and Healing…

When two years ago, our eldest daughter asked to moved back home I was thrilled.

Having just earned a graduate degree and about to begin law school she expressed the desire to return to a more laid back lifestyle than she had experienced when a coed and then graduate student living in the city.

My excitement at having our first born home came not simply from 0ur enjoyment of having her around to share and do activities with, but with the additional idea that she truly liked being with her father and most specifically me, her mother.

The relationship I shared with my mother, now nearly 16 years deceased,

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Of Food, Proximity, and the Need for Choice…

Interactions between mothers and daughters hold many complexities.

Every mother is someone’s daughter. And every daughter has a mother.

The nature or lack of interactions between mothers and their daughter influence and affect a minutia of interpersonal aspects for the daughter and reflect upon the many strands that connect a daughter’s mother with her mother, the grandmother.

Observing a mother and her daughter can reveal a history and lineage of interactions from the line of women connected to and whose lives had descended into the existence of a mother and her daughter.

Weight offers an additional aspect of a woman or girl’s life that sheds light onto the nature

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Of Colombiana, Contagion, and Miracles…

“If you are interested in something, you will focus on it, and if you focus attention on anything, it is likely that you will become interested in it.
Many of the things we find interesting are not so by nature, but because we took the trouble of paying attention to them.”
— Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

I saw two movies this weekend. Contagion, for the first time, and Colombiana for the 2nd.

Viewing a movie for the second time, much like reading a book, allows the opportunity to evaluate and inspect what either makes the story work, or remain vibrant in your mind, or the memories of its plot and characters, if you can recall them, slink into the recesses of the forgotten.

I was not excited at the thought of seeing Colombiana a second time.

Yet now as I write, I realize my hesitation came not from the quality of the movie itself, but quite the opposite.

The story of a young woman, who in losing her parents to a villainous killing at the age of 9, then seeking revenge, Colombiana is clearly a character driven story.

Contagion on the other hand, involves many characters whose roles work to tell the story of not a person, but rather display the effect of

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Of Dimensions of Experience, Mystery and Feet of Practicality…

Climax follows a time a crisis.

As the story heads for resolution the protagonist must decide how she or he will evidence not only their survival and triumph of the great battle she or he has fought, but how they will manifest those that shift in consciousness, that change of heart, in a way that will allow the experience to remain alive within them.

Then, and only then, can she, or he truly know the victory over death whose roots lie in fear, doubt and disbelief.

So many times we sabotage ourselves into thinking that we less than what we are.

Likewise we ground our identity of who we are and our purpose in life on the erroneous belief that we do not matter, and that what we have to offer means little if anything.

This is often the case for writers and artists of many kinds.

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