
Of Vipassana, Abandoned Dreams, and “The Map of True Places” …

I ended my last blog asking readers, “Are you a Tiger Mom? Cheetah Mom? A fierce feline mother of great prowess? If so, what is your story?
What hopes and dreams do you hold for your daughters and/or sons?
What are your passions?
Are and if so, how are you living them out?”

On reading the last three questions I realized that I had segued into new territory.

The hopes and dreams we hold for our children lie

Of Vipassana, Abandoned Dreams, and “The Map of True Places” … Read More »

Of Tiger Mamas, The American Dream and The Samurai’s Garden …

The recent nuptials Mark Zuckerberg to long-time girl friend, Priscilla Chan, drew the attention of Yin Wai, who in her article, Priscilla Chan Is Every Tiger Mother’s Dream, writes, “ … World Journal, one of the largest newspapers serving the Chinese-speaking population in North America, posted details about the nuptials, following up with a translation of the piece that ran on BuzzFeed Shift comparing Chan to Kate Middleton. Apple Daily, a major Hong Kong news organization, also covered it. Should any Chinese mom have missed the papers, Chinese TV news programs seized on the story, too, with every reporter quick to call out Harvard, UCSF Medical School, and the groom’s billionaire status. …”

The article, while detailing

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Of Santa, Wish Lists, and The Desire to Not Be Alone…

Author, Lori Bryant Woolridge, in her recent article, Dear Santa, All I Want for Christmas, on the Huffington Post lamented her singleness, along with that of other friends and acquaintances who are not in lack an intimate relationship that during the Holidays Season she stated, “…with its emphasis on family traditions, gift exchanges, and togetherness can be tough for single ladies because it’s one of those times of the year (like New Year’s and Valentines) that when being alone can feel pretty lonely.”

She acknowledged that many women like she, had silently, if not openly stated having “…added a man to their Santa wish list.” She then likened the results of this action mixed with the inaction of “…hoping and waiting…” with her attempt to lose weight, both proving ineffective.

I can certainly imagine how a person without a significant other feels lonely, most especially during the Holiday Season. 

My husband of nearly 30 year

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“Seasons in Purdah” | …a novel by anjuelle floyd…

What would you do if the loss of your sight ignited a war between you two best friends?

This is the case for 35-year-old, psychologist, Sahel Ohin, involving her two friends from childhood, Titus Denning and Carl Pierson.

The surgery that could return Sahel’s sight might also kill her.

Sahel’s husband, Titus, a cardiac surgeon, fears the latter.

Sahel’s neurosurgeon, Carl Pierson, believes Sahel’s blindness has rendered her hostage to Titus.

On the first night out since her blindness Sahel meets James Bolton, a former San Francisco stockbroker.
Though never having met they converse as if old friends.

The winter afternoon that Sahel attempted suicide, James received life imprisonment for murder, and his fiancée leapt from the Golden Gate Bridge.

When during dinner Sahel accidentally knocks over her glass of water and wets her gown James escorts her out onto the verandah.
Against the backdrop of Sahel’s husband, Titus, inside the ballroom and receiving an award, James asks, “Do you believe…in life after death?”

Seasons in Purdah shows what happens when best friends become adults, and how, among many things, life is but a series of choices, the consequences of which yield a drama that both weaves and unravels the knots binding us to those we cherish and who love us.

“Seasons in Purdah,” a novel by Anjuelle Floyd. Read the 1st 28 Chapters

“Seasons in Purdah” | …a novel by anjuelle floyd… Read More »

Of Alzheimer’s, Love and Forgetting What Makes Us Human…

A woman asking for moral guidance for a friend whose wife has Alzheimers…

This is the woman who recently called the 700 Club, hosted by Pat Roberston, a husband for 57 years to his wife, Adelia.

“He says, he should be allowed to see other people because his wife as he knows her is gone…” the woman said of her friend.

To the surprise of many, Roberston, an ordained Baptist Minister for 50 years advised that the man in question

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Of Love, Dreams and Waking Up…

“Love is one long sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock.” BLOOM OF LOVE on Twitter

When reading this on Twitter I immediately thought of how living so closely with someone, waking up to them next to you when your breath does not carry the aroma you would like to hit your nose, never mind that of another, their seeing you sick and the reverse, and their witnessing your various responses to life’s trials can and does reveal your inner core, the essence of your personality.

Yes, love by itself and unfettered by the commitment of marriage, “…for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health…and unto death…”

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Of The Military Industrial Complex, Sarah Palin, and Unconditional Love…

I recently read an article on the Huffington Post entitled, Why You’re Not Married.
The author, a TV writer, Tracy McMillan, whose credits include, Mad Men, The United States of Tara, and a memoir, I Love You and I’m Leaving You Anyway offers 6 reasons why the reader, who if unmarried and wishes to be, remains single.

Without belaboring the point of what caught my attention, let me say that reasons 2-6 constitute a repeat of what many articles assert.

And despite the, shall we say, blunt and directness of reason #1, the truth it held forced me, a wife of 29 years, to stop in gratitude after overcoming the initial shock of McMillan’s wording, or more precisely, her word.

“The problem is not men. It’s you. Sure, there are lame men out there, but

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