

Of Ambivalence, Epiphanies, and Sonnets of Compassion …

Despite all that I endured with my mother under her care, or lack of it, I was never ambivalent about my ability to love.

Even in the worst of times during my childhood, and while undergoing the nightmare of relationship with my mother, it has always seemed the easiest thing to love, the hardest to mistreat and push away, speak harshly to.

I cannot imagine being to my children as my

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Of Mothers, Daughters and a Nation Crying for Help…

During the past year I have noticed an increasing number of Internet stories/articles reporting the murders and /or more often murder-suicides wherein a parent has killed the spouse and their children.

Men and fathers are usually the assailants for cases involving a murdered spouse.

Children are usually the victims when mothers commit homicide on members of their immediate families.

The act of any parent or adult killing a child is horrendous.

And yet, as the mother of three daughters, I am most taken when a mother kills her daughter (s).

As a psychotherapist I a to ask, “What

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Of Health, Well-Being and A Mother’s Love…

A new study, Mother’s Love Can Prevent Illness in Middle Age, at Brandeis University now suggests that, “…a mother’s love expressed each day keeps the doctor way, most particularly in mid-life.”

When examining children from poverty-stricken situations, researchers learned, and not too surprisingly, that these children grow up to become adults who suffer from numerous chronic illnesses. And yet there are those children who, despite coming from poor backgrounds, experience good physical health and mental well-being.


Bucking what I would call

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Of Proximity, Self–Esteem and the Ability to Stand Separate and Distinct…

Vanencia Jaquia Lynch, an undergraduate student majoring in psychology at Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana, demonstrates a significant relationship between the psychological aspects of illusory superiority and attachment.

Ms. Lynch discovered this connection in a study she conducted, the details of which she discusses in “Mother-Daughter Relationships in Adulthood: Attachment, Self-Esteem and Illusory Superiority.” (XULA neXUS, Xavier University of Louisiana, Undergraduate Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1)

Lynch defines illusory superiority as

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