
Of E-books, Royalties and Taking Charge of Finances…

Unless a publisher can provide strong marketing and distribution, I cannot see where they have earned 75% of royalties from electronic book sales.

In the past, when books only came in hard/paperback, publishers could justify their actions in that they paid the bill on having copies of our books printed up.

Now with Amazon stating that Kindle sales of books out number those of hard/paperback 150:100 publisher must rethink the service they are providing authors.

Authors too, must become more business savvy.

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Of Reviewers, “Where the Dog Star Never Glows,” and Lifting Spirits…

Author, and editor, Tara Masih recently wrote a blog on the importance of reviewers.

Book reviewers provide an invaluable service to writers in both the areas of helping us get the word about about our work–promotion–and emotional support.

Mention in Tara’s blog is author and reviewer, Angela Lam Turpin. In addition to writing reviews, Angela is also the author to Legs and Blood Moon Rising.

Not only has Angela reviewed Tara’s book, Where the Dog Star Never Glows, she also provided a succinct and gracious review of my novel, The House, that is about to debut.

Many thanks to Angela and the many other reviewers who keeping us writers going and our spirits us.

The time and effort Angela and other reader/reviewers/writers such as her invest in reading our books and writing reviews during these tough economic times is truly a labor of love.

Recent changes in the economy and digital technology make what people like you and Angela do so important.

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Of Shrinking Advances, Entertainment, and That Which Remains Present in Translation…

One of the things we learn as psychotherapists is to interpret what clients are actually saying vs. the words they speak.

This is not to say that clients lie. I have found those with whom I have worked to be incredibly honest. They were investing a substantial amount of time and money into their sessions to learn more about themselves and how they could achieve their goals and dreams.

And yet we all have our defenses.

As a client myself, I have benefited enormously from psychotherapists who could see through my defenses and careful choice of words and lead me to the heart of the truth ebbing or perhaps bleeding through.

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Of Apprenticeships, Marketing and Patience…

[Writer’s Digest]–“What’s the most important change happening in the publishing industry right now that’s impacting the future of the author-agent relationship?”

[Agent–Paige Wheeler of Folio Literary Management]: “The change in the delivery mechanism is huge. Barriers of entry to publishing are down, and authors are able to make (their work) available to anyone with an Internet connection. It’s still a small percentage of the business, but it’s growing. ..the two biggest obstacles to success seem to be spectacular editorial content and the market capability to reach a vast audience. At Folio, we’ve been exploring opportunities (for) providing outside services (marketing, speakers services, licensing, apps) to really serve (authors’) needs.”

–Evolution of the Literary Agent, Writer’s Digest, October 2010

Agent, Paige Wheeler’s response to the question presented by the interviewer from Writer’s Digest gives a succinct summary of the new world of publishing that is available to writers and authors in connecting with readers.

Her comments also tell what we must do to be successful as career authors.

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Of Agents, Publishing and Writers…

I recently read an article in the October 2010 Issue of Writer’s Digest Magazine.

While it bears the title, Evolution of the Literary Agent, one could easily substitute the word Publishing, for Literary Agent and the title would remain consistent with the content, if not more in line with and indicative of the topic(s) discussed and information given.

The four literary agents interviewed in the article, and their responses and comments leave much for any author, whether seasoned and financially successful or just starting out, to consider and ponder.

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Of Dreams, Making them Real and What We Are Willing to Pay…

I recently read two articles on acclaimed mystery author, Janet Evanovich, the first stating that she had requested $50 million from her then publisher St. Martin’s Press to renew her contract, the second, published some weeks later, announcing that in response to St. Martin’s had refusing the requested amount, Evanovich had subsequently returned to Bantam/Random House Publishers where she first began her career.

While the first article had ended with ponderings of whether Evanovich would receive her request from St. Martin’s, particularly in this poor economy, the second article carefully stated that no one privy to the proceedings had released details of what Evanovich would receive from Bantom/Random House.

My husband, on hearing the details of the articles, responded with, “$50 million dollars? You must have your numbers wrong. Are you sure you read the article correctly?”

Questioning the figure myself, or rather my ability to remember what I saw, I returned to the website where I had read the articles and then announced to him that I was correct. “Wow!” He shook his head, adding, “She must sell an awful lot of books,” referring to Evanovich.

And she has done that. But obviously not enough for St. Martins to grant her request.

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