Of Inner Muses, Boxes, and Preserving Who We Are…

“…For two years I tried fitting into a box and I almost lost myself. …”
“… I finally decided that I’m good enough. …Perhaps I’m weird. But I have never tried to sell my work [to a commercial publisher] I have never tried to get a [book] deal since I’ve been writing. I’ve had people to say, ‘If you do this, this and this, I can tell this one. I’ve thanked them, but I’m guided by my inner muse. If that is going to happen [commercial contract come my way] then it will happen. I’m on a different path. I can’t define it any better than that.”

–Angelia Menchan, author of “Ramblings,” “Schae’s Story,” “Is No Not Clear Enough for You?”,”Mrs. Black”, and publisher of the anthology, Women’s Writes,

Visit Angelia’s blogs, Angelia Vernon Menchan, Write or Die Woman, and Angel08.

Of Inner Muses, Boxes, and Preserving Who We Are… Read More »