What sort of diary should I like mine to be? Something loose knit and yet not slovenly, so elastic that it will embrace any thing, solemn, slight or beautiful that comes into my mind. I should like it to resemble some deep old desk, or capacious hold-all, in which one flings a mass of odds and ends without looking them through.
– Virginia Woolf
The novels or stories we write are in a way like our diaries. They tell of our lives in secrets ways, a manner in which the naked eye cannot decipher. Only the inner eye of our soul recognizes the real truth of work, the lies we tell, the yarns we weave.
This is why I believe all work must be edited. There is an outside story, and an inside story. The inside story weaves and re-weaves itself around the external story, the one read for entertainment. The outside story provides the container for the internal masterpiece.
Whatever we were going through, experiencing, enduring while writing a story sits at the center of a story and serves and mirror to the various holograms shaped and held within each scene, each chapter, each line, the opening and ending.
What sort of diary should mine to be like? Something loose…not slovenly, elastic…so it will …embrace…the solemn, the…slight and…beautiful. A deep old desk, or capacious hold-all… for odds and ends…
Sounds to me like story, or poem.
What would you like your diary to hold, your story or poem to embrace?