Author, Linda Beed, will discuss the her short story, “Flavorful” included in the Anthology, Home Again: Stories of Restored Relationships.
Linda has also authored the novel, Business Unusual.
Linda Beed is a gifted educator, speaker and author of the award-winning novel, Business Unusual the first in the Covenant Series. The second installment, Not Your Own will release in 2011. Her leadership abilities and teaching prowess has made her an asset to such entities as the Faith Based Arts Conference, Romantic Times Convention, Romance Slam Jam, The Black Writers Reunion & Conference along with numerous other literary events. She is the co-moderator of BWChristianLit online writers group, the founder of the Damascus Road Authors and is a veteran Children’s minister. Linda lives in Seattle, WA with her family.
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I’m glad you’ve found the site resonates and is helpful. And thanks so much for taking the time to let me know.
Peace and blessings.