by AshtonPal
One of the most exciting things about being a daughter is that I received the charge to carry forth the lineage of both my mother and my father. Not only have they achieved immortality in that they live on in my memory, but I, in being a woman held the capability of giving birth. And with this I have delivered three children, all girls, into this world.
Much is said about men and carrying on the name of a family. A name is but a name. We can change names at the drop of a hat, or the stroke of a pen. Even marriage can change a woman’s surname, or as in modern times, a man’s surname.
But blood and ancestral connection we carry in us. And women are the only ones who have the physical capability to bring a child into the world. Under natural circumstances men cannot get pregnant and give birth.
As such the survival, and preservation of humanity rests upon women and daughters, just as the blood-lines of both my mother and father remain alive and thriving through in my decision to have children.
Just as the life of the world turns on human relationship, the continuation of the human race rests upon the relationship between women, and our daughters. In this I am proud to be a daughter–a daughter who has given birth to three females who have the choice to do the same as I.