Our youngest daughter was born under the astrological sign, Pisces. Alan Oken says of Pisces, “It had been called the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac [addressing] the finite consciousness of man and the infinite consciousness of the universe … one of Pisces greatest internal battles [is] the need to completely sacrifice [one’s] own wishes for the sake of others while at the same time exercising complete authority over those around [her or] him in order to complete her or his personal goals.” (Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology, p. 160)
While my mother was born under the astrological sign, Gemini, symbolized by the twins of Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux as well as the Assyrian deities, Tasmit and her husband Nebo. While Tasmit addressed words spoke the “… enlighten the ears … ,” Nebo, the god of writing and literature symbolized visual stimulation letters brought to the eyes.
My mother loved to write and give speeches associated with the various duties of church ushers. Ushers, she felt held a great role in the carrying out of church services, they serving as gatekeepers into the sanctuary–the house of god symbolic of heaven.” She wore starched white dresses each Sunday that she worked as an usher, or as she said, ushered.
I never cared much for gate keeping. The idea of welcoming those who chose to enter a house of worship appealed more to me. Then again, I have always been more taken with immersing myself in the experience of the spiritual service, whatever the religion.
Walking and moving around while a minister is speaking, creates such a distraction. Then again ushers work to reduce noise and indicate when congregants can enter the service then direct them where to sit so as to limit distraction of those already seated in the audience of the sanctuary.
(to be continued …)