Of 1st Novels, Eagerness to Publish, and the Need for Cooling Off Periods…
For anyone who has been eager to push their novel onto the world without taking a cooling off period read this blog post, an interview Meg Waite Clayton of SheWrites.com conducted with Eleanor Brown, author of Weird Sisters.
The lines that really touched me were, “…I knew it wasn’t as good as it could have been. I knew it had inconsistencies and plot holes big enough to drive a bus through and was in desperate need of a few months of lying fallow while I worked on something else and then came back to it with fresh eyes and an honest heart. But I had set some ridiculous deadline for myself, and I think I knew, deep down, that it was going to be hard, hard work to whip that baby into shape, and I just couldn’t face it. …” –Eleanor Brown
Of 1st Novels, Eagerness to Publish, and the Need for Cooling Off Periods… Read More »