Anjuelle Floyd

Why Do I Write and What Is My Process? | Paulette Harper

When I decided to pursue my writing career, I knew of no other author who could guide me through the process.

Those I expressed my aspirations with looked at me with disbelief.

Although, they may not have openly questioned my goals, I knew in the back of their minds they questioned my success.

It was the kind of disbelief that whispered  “oh yeah, we’ve heard that before!” I never allowed their disbelief to influence the direction I believed God was taking me.

I wasn’t sure where I was going or even how to being such a journey, but one thing I knew: I knew God. I had absolute confidence in the character of God, that if God had put the desire to write within me, He would definitely give me whatever tools necessary to fulfill those very same desires.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4)

Why Do I Write and What Is My Process? | Paulette Harper Read More »

Radio Show | Tyora Moody, and Her Many Facets…

Serving up a creative mix, flavored with faith.

Writer, graphic designer, online book promoter and all-­around literary assistant with a deep love for God Tywebbin Creations, Tyora Moody, discusses Tywebbin Creations LLC (, the design and marketing company she started and operated. Tywebbin Creations assists authors with branding and developing an online presence.

Tyora has worked with authors, Sharon Ewell Foster, Stacy Hawkins Adams, Sherri Lewis, Tia McCollors, Rhonda McKnight, Vanessa Miller, Francine Craft, yours truly and many others.

An avid bookworm, she also manages two book blogs, Christian Bookworm Reviews and Written Voices Blog.

Tyora writes romantic suspense and cozy mysteries.

She is a member of Sisters in Crime and American Christian Fiction Writers.

Her first publication, a short story, Birthing Pains, helps comprise the anthology, Home Again: Stories of Restored Relationships.

When Tyora is not working or a client or doing something literary, she enjoys spending time with family, catching a movie on the big screen, traveling, and when the mood hits her, baking cookies.

So tune in.

Radio Show | Tyora Moody, and Her Many Facets… Read More »

Why I Write & What Is My Process? | by Shannon

I actually never wanted to be a blogger. I wanted to be a “real” writer. You know, fiction, essays, articles.

Things that sounded “professional” to me last year.

So, I slaved over drafts of my novel and hit the forums to get some feedback because I didn’t have the slightest clue of what I was doing.

Little did I know, this would be the beginning of a new love affair with writing that has taken my hobby in a whole new direction.

“Get a blog!!” everyone seemed to be saying to me.

A blog? About what?

Why I Write & What Is My Process? | by Shannon Read More »

Of Reviewers, “Where the Dog Star Never Glows,” and Lifting Spirits…

Author, and editor, Tara Masih recently wrote a blog on the importance of reviewers.

Book reviewers provide an invaluable service to writers in both the areas of helping us get the word about about our work–promotion–and emotional support.

Mention in Tara’s blog is author and reviewer, Angela Lam Turpin. In addition to writing reviews, Angela is also the author to Legs and Blood Moon Rising.

Not only has Angela reviewed Tara’s book, Where the Dog Star Never Glows, she also provided a succinct and gracious review of my novel, The House, that is about to debut.

Many thanks to Angela and the many other reviewers who keeping us writers going and our spirits us.

The time and effort Angela and other reader/reviewers/writers such as her invest in reading our books and writing reviews during these tough economic times is truly a labor of love.

Recent changes in the economy and digital technology make what people like you and Angela do so important.

Of Reviewers, “Where the Dog Star Never Glows,” and Lifting Spirits… Read More »