Articles and Essays

on relationships

Of Mothers, The Illusion of Control, and Training Yourself Out of a Job…

When I was a child my mother demanded 100% obedience.
Did I give it to her?
Neither did I agree with everything she said or believed.

Many of the lessons she taught and that I employ have kept me in good stead as an adult, wife and mother. I thoroughly appreciate then.

Yet, I have often wished my mother could have supported me more in standing upon my own ground.
Better said, I would have appreciated immensely my mother supporting me in the areas where we differed in our perspectives on an issue.

When our youngest child reached five-years-old, I began

Of Mothers, The Illusion of Control, and Training Yourself Out of a Job… Read More »

Of Food, Proximity, and the Need for Choice…

Interactions between mothers and daughters hold many complexities.

Every mother is someone’s daughter. And every daughter has a mother.

The nature or lack of interactions between mothers and their daughter influence and affect a minutia of interpersonal aspects for the daughter and reflect upon the many strands that connect a daughter’s mother with her mother, the grandmother.

Observing a mother and her daughter can reveal a history and lineage of interactions from the line of women connected to and whose lives had descended into the existence of a mother and her daughter.

Weight offers an additional aspect of a woman or girl’s life that sheds light onto the nature

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Of Santa, Wish Lists, and The Desire to Not Be Alone…

Author, Lori Bryant Woolridge, in her recent article, Dear Santa, All I Want for Christmas, on the Huffington Post lamented her singleness, along with that of other friends and acquaintances who are not in lack an intimate relationship that during the Holidays Season she stated, “…with its emphasis on family traditions, gift exchanges, and togetherness can be tough for single ladies because it’s one of those times of the year (like New Year’s and Valentines) that when being alone can feel pretty lonely.”

She acknowledged that many women like she, had silently, if not openly stated having “…added a man to their Santa wish list.” She then likened the results of this action mixed with the inaction of “…hoping and waiting…” with her attempt to lose weight, both proving ineffective.

I can certainly imagine how a person without a significant other feels lonely, most especially during the Holiday Season. 

My husband of nearly 30 year

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Of Parents, The Nativity and The Need for Caution….

Lori Bryant Woolridge shares in her recent article, “Dear Santa, All I Want for Christmas,” at the Huffington Post, “…the holiday season…with its emphasis on family traditions, gift exchanges, and togetherness can be tough for single ladies because it’s one of those times of the year (like New Year’s and Valentines) that when being alone can feel pretty lonely.”

No more than with single parents is this need to connect and interact with a level of profound togetherness than with the single mother or single father.

In her blog post, Sad Mommy vs. Daughter Wars, Zondra Hughes asks, asks, “…How can we end these wars…mommy vs. daughter wars…a sad reality that continue to plague our families…”

Where does a woman, or man’s, need for companionship and intimacy slide into abandonment of responsibility as a parent when she or he, the mother, or father, enters into relationship with a person who poses threats of physical and emotional harm to the woman or man’s child?

North Carolina courts, sentenced 43 year-old Elisa Baker,

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Of “Mausam,” Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Creating for the Ages…

I recently saw the movie, Mausam, written and directed by Pankaj Kapur, and starring the beautiful Sonam Kapoor opposite the wonderful and delightfully handsome, Shahid Kapoor.

Like most Bollywood movies of its genre, historical dramatic romance, the movie move along taking its time to tell what I experienced as a beautiful love story.

Critics on both sides of the ocean suggest that the pacing could be increased by eliminating various scenes that do not contribute to the overall plot of the story.

I disagree.

The director could have deleted certain scenes and decreased the run time and perhaps maintained the high level of enjoyment I experienced.

But why fix what is not broken?

As an American moviegoer that has grown tired of movies aiming to tell a story with what often appears an ultimate goal of relaying the narrative, in movie format, in the shortest amount of time possible,

Of “Mausam,” Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Creating for the Ages… Read More »