Of Time, Human Imagination, and the Gift of Self-Publishing…
I recently read a discussion, Attention Self-Published Authors at Definitive Serious Writers Group at LinkedIn, on the stigma self-publishing bears and that many self-published authors perpetuated by not giving enough attention to the quality of all aspects of creating a well-written narrative and packaging it in enticing aesthetics.
I turned to self-publishing because I am a wife and mother and needed adequate time to write and refine my book.
My first publication, a collection of short stories, served as my MFA thesis and was published in 2007. Two years year after earning my MFA in Creative Writing, I wrote a novel.
On seeing the manuscript lying on the coffee table in the study my husband lifted and read it. “This needs to be published,” when he reached the end. My husband is not a writer and has the patience of an ant.
He’s what I would define as typical and no less demanding reader who wants to be taken away. My husband is a sharp thinker.
Of Time, Human Imagination, and the Gift of Self-Publishing… Read More »