Should Huma Abedin forgive her husband, US Representative Anthony Weiner?
For further discussion join me for a Twitter Chat, this Thursday, June 16th, 2011 @ 5pm PDT/6pm MT/7pm CDT/8pm EDT.
Last Friday, I heard a young woman say, “She [Huma] should abort the child she is carrying by Weiner.”
Should Huma do this I could not condemn her.
I cannot say what a person should are should not do regarding the betrayal a loved one or friend exacts upon him or her.
And yet our ability to move beyond experiences of hurt and emotional injury inflicted by friends, family and even acquaintances whom we hardly know establishes the foundation upon which we will build our healing.
And yet there is the anger.
Anger indicates a transgression of our boundaries, both physical and particularly emotional.
Beneath anger always lies hurt.
The steam of compassion can only rise from the flames of anger.
And what of forgiveness?
What guides your steps in dealing with betrayal, infidelity, and the injurious actions of others, most particularly of family and friends–those whom you love?
What can you live with regarding your actions towards those who have hurt you?
How do you want to die?
What must you do to achieve your desires for transitioning from this life into what lies beyond?
For further discussion join me for a Twitter Chat, this Thursday, June 16th, 2011 @ 5pm PDT/6pm MT/7pm CDT/8pm EDT.