Why Do I Write …

Authors describe what brought them to writing and the process by which they continue to imagine and craft stories

Kimberly Cain | Author, Musician, Artist

HEAVEN, a novel (& music CD) by Kimberly Cain 2010

Heaven is a novel about the nature of God as seen through the eyes of an exotic dancer.
It is a story of healing the perceived separation between the sacred & the sexual self.

The modern-day Eve is intent on questioning accepted religious norms and presenting her unique ideas about humanity’s relationship to the Divine.

What if the mythical Serpent was really a savior, inviting humanity to awaken from a mindless existence?

What if Eve was a heroine, courageous enough to buck the system and take the Serpent up on his offer to bust out of the cage?

Eve discovers her power to discern truth from falsehood at the hands of her religiously abusive foster family.

She chooses to release her light into a dark world by combining her love for music and dance, stripping naked as a symbol of fearlessly unmasking her true Self.

Her passion for challenging society’s labels as representations of “truth” brings controversial and dangerous repercussions from club patrons, cops, and religious zealots.

Kimberly Cain | Author, Musician, Artist Read More »

Why Do I Write and What is My Process? | Eliza Earsman

About the Author:

Scottish Ritual Freemasonry: a group that tries fervently to stay under the radar!

There is awareness and recognition that the details involved in www.elizaearsman.com and the frequently updated www.elizaearsmanbooks.wordpress.com
affect us all.

I have done much to enhance international communication.

In 2005 I made sure the details of Days of Elijah: A True Story were lodged with The Institute of War Documentation in Holland.

History is proving that the details are correct but that public reaction time is much too slow.

Why Do I Write and What is My Process? | Eliza Earsman Read More »

Danica Davidson–Why I Write and What Is My Process?

I know this may sound like a cliché to writers, but I never chose to write.

Writing chose me. I started telling stories not long after I could talk, and, by the time I was three, my parents starting writing down the stories I would dictate.

They were simple stories, and usually about cute animals or dinosaurs, but they had plots. Back then, I didn’t think of myself as a writer. I just knew there were stories going through my head and I would tell them.

Danica Davidson–Why I Write and What Is My Process? Read More »

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process–by Emily Kennedy

I come from a family of writers, though none of them knew it. They hid their thoughts, so eloquently expressed in letters packed carelessly in cardboard boxes and stashed in a hot and dusty attic. I found these letters from the twenties, forties, fifties when I was settling my aunt’s estate. They were there with my own, the ones I sent her throughout my childhood. I was faithful if not completely in command of my words then. I can tell that I tried to sound literary, even when describing a trip to the movies or a problem with my sister.

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process–by Emily Kennedy Read More »

Katherine Harms–writer aboard S/Y No Boundaries

When I first began writing, I wanted to write, because I wanted to have published something.

In 2000, I started writing, because I had something to say.

In 2000, during Lent I studied the life of Hannah, the mother of Samuel as a model for making sacrifices.

By the autumn, I was working on a novel about Hannah.

I had discovered that her faith journey in ancient Israel had many parallels with the faith journey of a woman in the twenty-first century, despite the three millennia that separated Hannah and me.

In 2004, my book, Hannah’s Journal, placed third in a field of 270 entries in the Christian Writers Guild First Novel Contest.

That book is still unpublished, but my success in the contest invigorated me.

I soon tackled two more novels, which are at present unfinished. The reason is that I continued to develop a better sense of direction as a writer.

In the beginning, I almost dismissed my non-fiction writing as busy work, something to do when I couldn’t think of any stories.

I wrote meditations, prayers, worship guides, articles and teaching plans.

While I struggled with the problems of plot, character development, setting, dialogue and so forth that are part of the craft of a fiction writer, I wrote commentary and background spontaneously, as a natural outgrowth of my research.

One day I had the mind-boggling revelation that it was possible to be a successful writer without selling a novel.

Katherine Harms–writer aboard S/Y No Boundaries Read More »

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process? | What Makes Me Tick?–Fran Lewis

Teaching in the NYC Public Schools was not only gratifying but also meaningful. Working with students in grades one through six for the first part of my career.

My Principal felt that I had a special talent and expertise when working with students in learning difficulties and encouraged me to get my second Master’s in Reading and Learning Disabilities. I am glad that I did. The next 19 years I worked as the Reading Specialist and then Staff Developer in both reading and writing.

The best part is I worked in the same school all of those years and the children and parents became part of my extended family.

I taught children from other countries and helped them learn to read, understand our language and excel in school. Before leaving, my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I was the Dean of Discipline and helped create a Peer Mediation Program in my school.

Freedom of expression is important, and after retiring from teaching, I realized that there were many new things I could learn to do. I love writing because it allows me to express my true feelings about any subject I choose. Read the rest of this entry…

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process? | What Makes Me Tick?–Fran Lewis Read More »

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process? | What Makes Me Tick?–Fran Lewis

Teaching in the NYC Public Schools was not only gratifying but also meaningful. Working with students in grades one through six for the first part of my career.

My Principal felt that I had a special talent and expertise when working with students in learning difficulties and encouraged me to get my second Master’s in Reading and Learning Disabilities. I am glad that I did. The next 19 years I worked as the Reading Specialist and then Staff Developer in both reading and writing.

The best part is I worked in the same school all of those years and the children and parents became part of my extended family.

I taught children from other countries and helped them learn to read, understand our language and excel in school. Before leaving, my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I was the Dean of Discipline and helped create a Peer Mediation Program in my school.

Freedom of expression is important, and after retiring from teaching, I realized that there were many new things I could learn to do. I love writing because it allows me to express my true feelings about any subject I choose.

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process? | What Makes Me Tick?–Fran Lewis Read More »