… anjuellefloyd …

Why Do I Write and What’s My Process–Juliet Wilson

As a child I loved writing compositions at school and even poems.

When it came to choosing my academic future though I chose sciences, knowing that I could write poetry while studying sciences, whereas if I studied literature I would never have kept up my interest in science.

I lived in Malawi, in southern Africa for two years, teaching sciences, which was a wonderfully inspiring experience.

When droughts hit Malawi in 2002, I put together and self published Bougainvillea Dancing a chapbook of poetry mostly inspired by my time in the country, which raised money for charities working in Malawi.

Why Do I Write and What’s My Process–Juliet Wilson Read More »

Kim Kircher–“Why Do I Write and What Is My Process?”

Why I Write: Kim Kircher

I started out writing as I suspect many do.

I was thirteen years old, acne sprouting on my face like mold on month-old cheese, my hair getting frizzier by the minute, the world a cold, damp place.

Word son paper became a sort of safe haven for all of my embarrassing,navel-searching teen angst.

Luckily, while my love of the written word never faltered,my cathartic needs changed.

I write now because I want to say something.

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Nicole Easterwood–“Why Do I Write and What is My Process?”

Sometimes I think about quitting when I am at my wits end, when I am pulling my hair out and screaming into the barren walls of an empty house.

But then I take a day off and speed down the interstate with my hair and windows down and realize that it is the one thing that has always kept me alive and makes me feel the most alive.

I realize that even the freedom of being incomplete control of a vehicle does not compare to the freedom that words give me.

Never so much blood pumps through my veins as when my fingers are tapping against the keys or my hands are becoming calloused from holding a pen for too long.

Nothing makes my heart pound as much or brings me such immense joy as the feeling of an e-mail saying that one of my stories is going to be published.

Nicole Easterwood–“Why Do I Write and What is My Process?” Read More »

Paulette Harper Johnson

You write about overcoming mental depression by drawing on Christian religious and spiritual principles in your books That Was Then, This Is Now and Completely Whole.

1. Tell us a little about your life.

I was born and raised in Northern California. I am the youngest of eight children and the first published author. I have two daughters and I have one grand daughter (whom I intend to spoil).

2. What personal experience allowed you insight into understanding mental depression?

And what is one Christian spiritual/religious principle have you drawn on for help?

I went through a very difficult divorce that nearly devastated me.

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Why I Write–Doug Sievers

D.E. Sievers is the author of the novel, “The Trees in Winter” You can read more about the author and the novel at the following:

On Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/276ljju

On Barnes and Noble: http://tinyurl.com/286r7d5

Author’s Blog: http://desievers.blogspot.com/

Having the passion to write was never a problem for me.
Making the time to write, however, was a challenge—but only until I made it a priority!
About three years ago, I began writing a novel.
It was clear to me that, without committing myself to a daily writing regimen, I would never achieve my goal.
So I began going to my regular job at 6:30 a.m. and leaving at 3:30 p.m. Fortunately, my job allowed me this flexibility.
Between 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., my time was devoted to writing. And has been ever since. I finished the novel.
Then wrote a novella.

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Radio Interview | Anjuelle Floyd with Robert Batista of “The Funky Writer”

Download and/or listen to my interview with author, Robert Batista, host of The Funky Writer talk radio show, where I discuss my soon to be released, novel The House, my collection of short stories, Keeper of Secrets…Translations of an Incident, and my process of writing, advertising and how I use my website for marketing and networking with readers.

You can also here me read an excerpt from The House at The Funk Soul Cafe hosted by Robert Batista.

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