
Of Revelations, Developments and Hidden Aspects of Personality…

Novels consist of a string of revelations.

These revelations, consistently timed and well paced comprise and provide an important part of plot.

As such they play and inherent and necessary role in character development.

Revelations lead to irrevocable moments wherein the protagonist, when faced with an immediate challenge demanding on the spot response, makes a decision and acts in a way that forces her or him forward. Read the rest of this entry…

Of Revelations, Developments and Hidden Aspects of Personality… Read More »

Of Revelations, Developments and Hidden Aspects of Personality…

Novels consist of a string of revelations. 

These revelations, consistently timed and well paced comprise and provide an important part of plot. 

As such they play and inherent and necessary role in character development.

Revelations lead to irrevocable moments wherein the protagonist, when faced with an immediate challenge demanding on the spot response, makes a decision and acts in a way that forces her or him forward.

Of Revelations, Developments and Hidden Aspects of Personality… Read More »

Adobe’s Design CS4, Intoxication and Zen in the Art of Writing…

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you…writing allows just the right recipes of truth, life, reality as you are able to eat, drink, and digest without hyperventilating and flopping like a dead fish in your bed.”

–Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

On reading this last night I considered how long it’s taking me to get my novel together, The House, that is. In actuality, the novel is written, and edited. I’m presently working on the layout of the text. I’m a do-it-your-selfer. After purchasing an edition of Adobe’s Design CS4 I feel obligated to at least make an attempt at transferring my novel that I am self-publishing from MS Word to book format.

Adobe’s Design CS4, Intoxication and Zen in the Art of Writing… Read More »

Of Time, Plot and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity…

When we think about time, we automatically link it with motion. The most constant things in human history have been the motions of the objects in the universe. So we first figured out how to measure time by figuring how long it took for the various astronomical motions in our solar system. If you move through space you are also moving through time.
Time is the 4th dimension in our universe.
–Dr. Charles Liu, Research Associate,
Department of Astrophysics,
American Museum of Natural History

Albert Einstein’s gift to the 20th century through his postulation of the Special Theory of Relativity was recognizing the existence of a 4th dimension in our universe.
This 4th dimension is our experience of time.

Human consciousness of time plays an important role in the crafting of story.
Time directly relates to plot regarding fiction.
And as plot is the backbone of story it can be said that time forms the frame and an essential dimension of story.

Of Time, Plot and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity… Read More »