
Of Kings, Strategies and Tactics…

Capture of the King in chess ends the game. And thus the role of each piece or character’s movements works towards the larger goals of protecting the King of the same color and capturing the King of the opponent.

The players move their characters and/or chess pieces towards accomplishing these two tasks.

In this way process of playing the game of chess resembles that of writing a book. While writers do not move our characters around the chessboard of our stories like the pieces of a chess game, each character of a novel or short story carries her or his own role, both in the narrative line and the structure of the plot.

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Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude…

Yesterday I hosted author, Myne Whitman, on Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters. The original date for our interview was Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 12 pm PT.

Twelve, noon on Saturdays is the usual time of the broadcast, but on Saturday we have some technical problems. Myne’s cell phone kept going out.

By the time she was able to connect I had logged off. I felt horrible.

I was also worried if she all right. Rarely do I have technical problems that prevent the entire broadcast.

Luckily, I’ve never had any author to blow off an interview. Anytime there’s an interruption something is seriously wrong beyond the guest’s control.

And that is what happened to Myne.

Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude… Read More »

Anne Lamott, Bit by Bit, and Microwaved Water…

Our middle child sat for the SAT, at the outset of this week, but not before giving the completed term papers to the respective teachers who had assigned them.

Having read them several times when helping with the editing I learned much about the Gulf of Tonkin.

In editing the second paper I learned how our middle child views their faith in comparison to and contrast with our priest whose faith in God has provided him with the answers to all his questions–that of becoming comfortable with not knowing, the immense of uncertainties of life.

Anne Lamott, Bit by Bit, and Microwaved Water… Read More »

Of Knights, L-Shaped Movements Crisis and Climax…

In the game of chess, the Knight is the only piece or character on the board that can jump over another pieces even those who are friendly.

The Knight moves in a “L”-shaped pattern. The Knight does this by going 2 steps forward, or backward, horizontal or vertical and then 1 step left or right or by going 1 step north, south, east or west, and then 2 steps left or right.

The Knight can also be seen as moving 2 spaces diagonally and then horizontal or vertical to the next space.

For this reason the Knight’s path of movement has never been well-defined.

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“The House”, Kindle, i-Pads and Nooks…

In the next 3 months my second book, a novel, The House will be available for purchase. I say the next 3 months because in the vein of remaining honest, I am not certain what exact date this latest edition of The House will be available for consumers to purchase.

I must remain true to establish integrity. Integrity means more to an entrepreneur than gold.

And in working to publish The House I have become an entrepreneur.

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Of Towers, Castles and the Battles Writers Wage…

The Rook, Tower or Castle in the game of chess speaks to boundaries.

Towers and Castles of the medieval era served not simply as homes, but also places of protection, that place to which rulers, those of their court, and the soldiers guarding them retreated and from which they waged battle.

The Tower provided a place from which the sentry or guardsmen could look out and view those coming to do battle or offend–those who sought to defeat the monarch and occupy her or his home.

Each time we set out to write a story or novel, we wage a war.

Of Towers, Castles and the Battles Writers Wage… Read More »

Blogging, Promoting, Revising and Editing…

Whatever difficulties we have experienced with editors writers need the help of editors.

An unedited book placed on the market for public purchase diminishes our integrity as writers and demeans the skill to crafting fiction to which we aspire.

If writing a book was as simple as putting the words on paper and sending it out, then everyone would have published a book.

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