
Of Dreams, Making them Real and What We Are Willing to Pay…

I recently read two articles on acclaimed mystery author, Janet Evanovich, the first stating that she had requested $50 million from her then publisher St. Martin’s Press to renew her contract, the second, published some weeks later, announcing that in response to St. Martin’s had refusing the requested amount, Evanovich had subsequently returned to Bantam/Random House Publishers where she first began her career.

While the first article had ended with ponderings of whether Evanovich would receive her request from St. Martin’s, particularly in this poor economy, the second article carefully stated that no one privy to the proceedings had released details of what Evanovich would receive from Bantom/Random House.

My husband, on hearing the details of the articles, responded with, “$50 million dollars? You must have your numbers wrong. Are you sure you read the article correctly?”

Questioning the figure myself, or rather my ability to remember what I saw, I returned to the website where I had read the articles and then announced to him that I was correct. “Wow!” He shook his head, adding, “She must sell an awful lot of books,” referring to Evanovich.

And she has done that. But obviously not enough for St. Martins to grant her request.

Of Dreams, Making them Real and What We Are Willing to Pay… Read More »

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process… | Breena Clarke

When I’m asked to answer the queries — what is your process? — why do you write? I begin by saying that I come to writing as a reader. I believe it is important for me to claim that because it does explain why and how I write. I also admit that I answer this way to reinforce the notion that I am studious, scholarly, serious.

I think writing long fiction is good for me because this is what I like to read. So– when I say I’m reading, seventy-five percent of the time I am reading a novel.
But you know what? There is another bit of it.

There is something I am less eager to mention — an aspect of my personality that isn’t always desirable.

Why Do I Write & What Is My Process… | Breena Clarke Read More »

Change, Challenge and Seasons of Growth…

I’ve been gone most of the summer, first to Brussels, then to Maui where vacation each year. 

As the opening of the new school year approaches I am amazed at how it seems that just yesterday I was bidding a enjoyable and safe travels to fellow parents and their daughters and sons who attend the same school as my children.

Now nearly 2 and half months later I have received the first in a line of requests from the service that provides lunches at the school our youngest child attends the choices of entrées our child desires.

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Of “Android Karenina,” Content, and the Ability to Imagine…

“Imitate form, not content. The tendency to imitate form and not content seems to relate directly to talent.”

–Peter Selgin, 179 Ways to Save a Novel: Matters of Vital Concern to Fiction Writers

The present world of fiction sees many young writers interweaving the works of previous writers into the young author’s new creation.

I recently read an article about a young German writer who won an award for her work that had used large excerpts of a previous writer’s work in young novelist’s creation.

Of “Android Karenina,” Content, and the Ability to Imagine… Read More »

Of Writing, Cinema, and What Only Books Can Provide…

Hay-on-Wye Cinema Bookshop “If books merely convey plots and characters why in the age of cinema read a book? What can books give us that movies can’t? In two words:  beautiful writing?“ —Peter Selgin, 179 Ways to Save a Novel: Matters of Vital Concern to Fiction Writers I diligently pondered this question while working my

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Early Drafts, The Journeyman and Our Need for Praise…

The decision to write is a brave choice we make each time we bring pen to paper or place our fingers upon the computer keys and type.

To be sure, very few do it. And of those, even less follow their hearts’ desires with an understanding and commitment to see to the end what we have started.

It is one thing to write; yet another to go back over and over working to reshape and polish the initial words we have written. Writing our thoughts, bringing the ideas of our imagination into sentences if but one half the challenge.

Early Drafts, The Journeyman and Our Need for Praise… Read More »