Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude…
Yesterday I hosted author, Myne Whitman, on Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters. The original date for our interview was Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 12 pm PT.
Twelve, noon on Saturdays is the usual time of the broadcast, but on Saturday we have some technical problems. Myne’s cell phone kept going out.
By the time she was able to connect I had logged off. I felt horrible.
I was also worried if she all right. Rarely do I have technical problems that prevent the entire broadcast.
Luckily, I’ve never had any author to blow off an interview. Anytime there’s an interruption something is seriously wrong beyond the guest’s control.
And that is what happened to Myne.
Cell Phone Glitches, “On Writing” and Gratitude… Read More »