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Of Gifts, Witnessing and Time Immemorial …

Each of our daughters has provided me a unique gift with the presence of their lives in mine. Our eldest, a twenty-six year old senior law student exemplifies the epitome of loyalty.

That she chose to move back home and resume living in her old room while attending

law school touched me greatly. It gave me the invaluable

Of Gifts, Witnessing and Time Immemorial … Read More »

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Of Bullets, Hospitals, and Revisionist Historians …

I abandoned the idea of driving myself to the hospital as I had when the mentally ill son of a minister driving around Berkeley and shooting women, had fired two bullets into my left wrist and two others into my neck. I had been thirty-four years old then, nearly 20 year younger and with no previous concussion.

Three decades of marriage to a surgeon and my experience working as a medical technologist in a blood bank had taught me much about recognizing your limits.

On hearing the woman speak the words, “ … husband … I’m going to call him,” I had thought

Of Bullets, Hospitals, and Revisionist Historians … Read More »

“Seasons in Purdah” | …a novel by anjuelle floyd…

What would you do if the loss of your sight ignited a war between you two best friends?

This is the case for 35-year-old, psychologist, Sahel Ohin, involving her two friends from childhood, Titus Denning and Carl Pierson.

The surgery that could return Sahel’s sight might also kill her.

Sahel’s husband, Titus, a cardiac surgeon, fears the latter.

Sahel’s neurosurgeon, Carl Pierson, believes Sahel’s blindness has rendered her hostage to Titus.

On the first night out since her blindness Sahel meets James Bolton, a former San Francisco stockbroker.
Though never having met they converse as if old friends.

The winter afternoon that Sahel attempted suicide, James received life imprisonment for murder, and his fiancée leapt from the Golden Gate Bridge.

When during dinner Sahel accidentally knocks over her glass of water and wets her gown James escorts her out onto the verandah.
Against the backdrop of Sahel’s husband, Titus, inside the ballroom and receiving an award, James asks, “Do you believe…in life after death?”

Seasons in Purdah shows what happens when best friends become adults, and how, among many things, life is but a series of choices, the consequences of which yield a drama that both weaves and unravels the knots binding us to those we cherish and who love us.

“Seasons in Purdah,” a novel by Anjuelle Floyd. Read the 1st 28 Chapters

“Seasons in Purdah” | …a novel by anjuelle floyd… Read More »