Interview | Book Reviewer, Roxanne Piskel

1. Tell a little about yourself.

My name is Roxanne and I received my B.A. in English from Sierra Nevada College.
I run the blog Unintentionally Brilliant, which is mostly filled with my daily meanderings, but also features book reviews.
In “real life” I work as an administrative assistant for an environmental consulting firm in Reno, NV.

I’m mother to a four-year-old who provides a lot of humorous (and sometimes poignant) entries for the blog.

2. How did you come to reviewing fiction?
I was actually looking for something to post about one day, and I had just finished reading this fantastic book called This is Where We Live.
I decided to review it on my site.
I had so much fun doing so, I decided to make book reviews a semi-regular appearance on the blog.
I started off reviewing books that I picked up from the library, and have recently started querying publishers and authors for review copies.

3. How long have you been reviewing fiction?
I have always been the type of person to recommend books to friends. In this way, I have been a reviewer for a very long time. But in regards to the blog and writing physical reviews, I have only been reviewing fiction since September, so six months.

4. Are you a writer? If so what genre? Have you ever considered writing?

I’m kind of an amateur writer. I’ve been writing short stories and have started several novels since I was very young, but only recently have I started to take myself seriously when it comes to my writing.

I wrote a fiction novel for NaNoWriMo in 2010, and am in the revision process with hopes to possibly publish it one day.

I haven’t published anything that I’ve written YET, but it is my goal in life to be called ‘author’.

5. What genre of fiction do you review?

I am open to reviewing all types of books – fiction and non-fiction.
For now, I have tended towards dramatic fiction and thrillers because these are what I have been reading.
I hope to get into reading more different genres, like sci-fi/fantasy to reach the different preferences of my readers.

6. Where can readers find/Where do you post your reviews?

My reviews are always posted at

I also post to Yahoo Associated Content and SheWrites.

7. What is the most interesting and fun aspect of reviewing fiction?

I love reading and discussing what I read with my friends.
In reviewing fiction, I get to fully articulate what I like & dislike in the various books I read.

8. Are you accepting submissions of fiction for review?

If so, what kinds of fiction do you review–novels, short stories, or flash fiction.
I am always accepting submissions of fiction for review.

Authors or publicists can contact me at notmoonlight[@] for my mailing address to send hard copies, or I can accept e-documents as well at the above email address.

At this time, I am accepting novels from any genre.

9.  How can writers contact you?
I can be contacted through my blog at, by email at notmoonlight[@], or you can stalk me on twitter @roxisbrilliant

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